Passive Voice

Bahasa Inggris 

Passive Voice

Writing Explained

  • Present Tense

formula : 

Object + am/is/are + V3 

  1. I study english  (active) ==> English is studied by me (passive)
  2. She sing "Beauty and The Beast" (active) ==> "Beauty and The Beast" is sung by her (passive)
  • Past Tense
formula : 

Object + was/were + V3 
  1. He knocked the door (active) ==> The door was knocked by him (passive)
  2. I drank a glass of water (active) ==> A glass of water is drunk by me (passive)
  • Modal
present >>> past                                      formula 
can        >>> could                                                     
may       >>> might
must      >>> had to                              Modal + be + V3
shall      >>> should
will       >>> would 
has to >>
               >>>  had to 
have to>>

  1. We must speak english in the class (active) ==> English must be spoken by us in the class ( passive )
  • Present Continuous 

is/am/are + being + V3

  1. He is doing his work now (active) ==> His work is being done by him (passive)
  2. They are feeding the animals (active) ==> The animals are being fed by them ( passive )
  • Past Continuous 

was/were + being + V3 

  1. He was doing his work now (active) ==> His work was being done by him (passive)
  2. They were feeding the animals (active) ==> The animals were being fed by them ( passive )
  • Present  Perfect Tense

Object + has \have + been+ V3

  1.  The student of class 9.2 have learned moral education (active) ==> Moral education has been learned by the student of class 9.2 (passive)
  2. She has reads story books (active)==> Story books have been read by her (passive)
  • Past Perfect Tense

Object + had + been + V3
  1.  She had watched the televisison (active) ==> The television had been watched by her (passive)
